Halloween with a Toy Story Theme

Like many “Disney families out there, each year our Halloween costumes have a theme. Our first year with our son (he was 10 1/2 months at the time) our theme was “The Incredibles”. We were pretty low maintenance back then only buying a costume for our son and each of us wearing an Incredibles t-shirt. Last year was much more elaborate, as our theme was “Frozen”. My son was Kristoff, I was Anna, my husband was Olaf (and a giant one at that) and our pug was Sven. Given the young age of our son and the fact that it was 90 degrees outside and my hubby was literally melting, we only made it to 4 houses. But it was a wonderful night and my son never knew Daddy was really Olaf.

Halloween 2016 – The Incredibles
Halloween 2017 – Frozen

This year was a little different. We still went with a theme, this year was “Toy Story”, but this year, my son finally got the idea of trick or treating. Now he doesn’t eat candy and if he does, it’s at school and I am unaware, however, he loved the idea and getting things. He also loved all the Halloween decorations our neighbors put up and kept saying, “so scary” without really being scared. He was pretty respectful only grabbing a piece or two of candy, except for the last house. That last house had Animal Crackers and Pretzels and he went to town.

Grabbing the good stuff
Halloween 2018 – Toy Story

All in all, it was a wonderful evening spent as a family. Our son loved seeing Mommy and Daddy as Jessie and Woody and well, being Buzz Lightyear is the absolute coolest thing ever. In fact, he refused to take off his costume for over an hour after we got home. Now to decide what to do next year….

Cutest Buzz Lightyear ever

Have you done a Disney theme for Halloween? Tell me about them in the comments

2 thoughts on “Halloween with a Toy Story Theme

  1. CostumeLooks says:

    If you really want to get into character while wearing your Toy Story costume, it s pretty easy to do with the Toy Story gang. Buzz, of course, is the mighty space ranger hero: confident, suave, and sometimes he s a little overzealous. But he s always willing to help a friend in need. Woody is the nice guy, the leader of the pack, the brave pragmatist who always has a little advice to impart. If someone has poisoned the water hole, he s going to be the first guy to tell you. Jessie is all about enthusiasm. She s smart, hopeful, and can t wait for the next adventure. And if you re going as Jessie, it doesn t hurt to yodel once in a while.


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